Septic Pumping Should Be on Your "To Do" List for Regular Maintenance.
When is the Last Time You Pumped?

Pumping a septic is more than throwing a hose in and starting a pump. Herring does it better.

The purpose of a septic system is to treat household waste in areas where public sewers are not available. There are a number of variations in septic system design, but all basically work the same. A basic septic system consists of a large concrete or plastic tank, and a distribution box followed by a series of leach fields. Whenever you turn on a faucet, flush the toilet or do a load of laundry, the waste leaves the house through the main sewer line and enters the septic tank through the inlet pipe. While the heavy solids sink to the bottom forming a layer of sludge, the lighter solids float to the top. The bacteria living inside the tank eats the solids and reduces their volumes. Solids are prevented from exiting the tank by devices called baffles, which are located near the inlet and outlet pipes of the septic tank. The liquids flow through the septic tank up and out the outlet baffle to the distribution box where they are filtered through leach fields into the soil. See the diagram to further understand how your septic system works. Find out more about Septic Pumping or make an appointment to get your septic pumped.

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Is your toilet gurgling or backing up?

This could be the sign of a potential issue that if left unchecked could turn to a costly system replacement. Herring can come out and service it for you now, before the problem gets worse.

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Professional Septic Inspections

A simple septic system inspection can save homeowners a great deal of time and money. This service is most commonly used by home buyers before purchasing a new home. A properly conducted septic inspection ensures that the system is working properly at the time of inspection and reduces the chances of a dangerous and/or costly surprise to the future homeowner.

A visual septic inspection may be able to determine the status of a septic system beyond what the average homeowner is able to conclude. We ask that there be running water in the house so we can observe the flow through the tank and distribution system. The inspection consists of a visual scan of the inside of the tank to make sure that the water level is proper and that liquids are flowing into the tank and out to the leach fields without restriction. We check to make sure that the baffles are present and intact. The scum and sludge levels are observed to ensure the tank has been properly maintained in the past. We also walk around the property to check for any soft or wet spots that would suggest the leach fields are not working properly.

Other inspection services include a visual inspection of the pipes, distribution box, and leach fields using a camera to further evaluate the status of the distribution system. Visit our Septic Inspections page to find out more about the Septic Inspection options available for you.

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