If you think money problems can stress out your marriage, try having a septic problem. It's something you'll never forget for sure...especially if it ends up all over your finished basement.
Not covered by insurance, is lack of maintenance problems. Sometimes though, you can have a broken pipe due a lawnmower being driven over the pipe.
Herring Sanitation can guide you in the process of submitting insurance claims, including providing the details of the problem and repair.
If you have a septic that hasn't been pumped in the last 18 months and you're having a septic problem, call your septic professional first. Otherwise, you will end up paying twice for the work. This has happened many times to Herring's customers. They don't know who to call and their first thought is to go to a plumber. Your plumber may have snaking equipment, but generally the place to start is at your septic tank...checking the baffle for a clog. Most plumbers don't want to follow the problem to the septic tank.
*24/7 Emergency Line is available for emergencies and a qualified staff member is on call during non-business hours. We have a fully staffed office to help during regular business hours.
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