Septic Systems Cost Around $400 to Pump, $3000 to Repair and $30,000 to Replace. When Buying a Home, Make Sure You Know What You're Buying.

Don't Purchase Someone Else's Septic Problem.

A simple septic system inspection may save the homeowner a great deal of time and money. This service is most commonly used by the home buyer before purchasing a new home. A properly conducted septic inspection ensures that the system is working properly at the time of inspection and reduces the chances of a dangerous and/or costly surprise to the new homeowner.

Herring Sanitation Service Inc. offers 4 levels of Septic Inspection based on the needs of our clients. We will provide a visual system inspection, check septic tank integrity, do a visual/auditory water flow inspection, a walking inspection of leach fields, septic field saturation tests and all digging as needed for our Basic Inspections. For elite and Premium inspections, we use a video camera to inspect your piping (including leach fields) and expose the distribution box to get a complete image of the septic system. We can add a full clean out and pumping of tank and full empty septic tank inspection in our Preferred and Premium Inspection Services. Review our comparison chart to see which septic inspection service will best fit your needs.

A list of septic inspection options from herring sanitation
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My Inspector is recommending one of the following tests:

HYDRAULIC LOAD TEST: Herring does NOT recommend Hydraulic Load tests for vacant homes. The reasons are many. If you call our office, you will hear that we do NOT recommend Hydraulic Load Tests as they can put undue stress on an older system. We can perform these tests if requested or if your sales contract requires you to do so. The best inspection we offer is our Elite inspection. This inspection allows you to see what is actually in the inlet line, outlet line, waste lines and distribution box. It is as full a picture as you will get with an underground system, without digging it out of the ground and inspecting it visually. If you are going to have a septic problem, you will likely find it with our Elite inspection. When you contact us to perform your Septic Inspection, make sure you let us know if the home is vacant. That is a very important thing to mention.

OPEN PIT TEST: If you are recommend to get an Open Pit Test, you will want to select any one of our inspections.

Our inspection determines if the septic system is working properly at the time of inspection. This is based on current load and use (number of occupants, water usage including laundry, sinks, showers). Our septic inspections are based on current Board of Health guidelines and performed by trained Septic Field Inspectors. Unfortunately, a passing septic system is not a guarantee that the system will work for the foreseeable future.

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